

  1. types
  2. External
  3. Library
    1. self in Library
    2. using * for
    3. self example
  4. interfaces
  5. import
  6. msg.value
  7. Handling ether
  8. Erc20 token in contract
  9. assembly
  10. Enum
  11. memory, storage, calldata
  12. Array Pushing
  13. length in array
  14. Struct array
  15. mapping
  16. bytes and string
  17. uint to bytes32
  18. returns with name
  19. score voting
  20. Tests
    1. Async Tests
    2. Hooks

Erc20 token in contract

I'm familiar with smart contracts development. Although, every time I developed something, I used traditional ether. For the sake of simplicity, let's assume this contract.
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

contract  Example {

    constructor () public {}

    function () external payable {}

    function getBalance() public view returns (uint256) {
        return address(this).balance;

    function withdraw() public {

How do I take this exact contract and simply allow it to do exactly the same, but using DAI instead? Please be practical, I read a lot of theory stuff already, I'm just looking to the actual code on how to do this.

 pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

        //import ERC20 functionality ...

        contract  Example {

            ERC20   public token;

            //@param _token the address of the DAI smart contract
            constructor(ERC20 _token) public {
                token = ERC20(_token);

            function getBalance() public view returns (uint256) {
                return token.balanceOf(address(this));

            function withdraw() public {
                token.transfer(msg.sender, getBalance());

pragma solidity ^0.4.23;  
import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";  
import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/lifecycle/Pausable.sol";  
contract TokenZendR is Ownable, Pausable {  
 * @dev Details of each transfer * @param contract_ contract address of ER20 token to transfer * @param to_ receiving account * @param amount_ number of tokens to transfer to_ account * @param failed_ if transfer was successful or not */
  struct Transfer {  
  address contract_;  
  address to_;  
  uint amount_;  
  bool failed_;  
 * @dev a mapping from transaction ID's to the sender address * that initiates them. Owners can create several transactions */
  mapping(address => uint[]) public transactionIndexesToSender;  
 * @dev a list of all transfers successful or unsuccessful */
  Transfer[] public transactions;  
  address public owner;  
 * @dev list of all supported tokens for transfer * @param string token symbol * @param address contract address of token */
  mapping(bytes32 => address) public tokens;  
  ERC20 public ERC20Interface;  
 * @dev Event to notify if transfer successful or failed * after account approval verified */
  event TransferSuccessful(address indexed from_, address indexed to_, uint256 amount_);  
  event TransferFailed(address indexed from_, address indexed to_, uint256 amount_);  
  constructor() public {  
  owner = msg.sender;  
 * @dev add address of token to list of supported tokens using * token symbol as identifier in mapping */
  function addNewToken(bytes32 symbol_, address address_) public onlyOwner returns (bool) {  
  tokens[symbol_] = address_;  
  return true;  
 * @dev remove address of token we no more support */
  function removeToken(bytes32 symbol_) public onlyOwner returns (bool) {  
  require(tokens[symbol_] != 0x0);  
  return true;  
 * @dev method that handles transfer of ERC20 tokens to other address * it assumes the calling address has approved this contract * as spender * @param symbol_ identifier mapping to a token contract address * @param to_ beneficiary address * @param amount_ numbers of token to transfer */
  function transferTokens(bytes32 symbol_, address to_, uint256 amount_) public whenNotPaused{  
  require(tokens[symbol_] != 0x0);  
  require(amount_ > 0);  
  address contract_ = tokens[symbol_];  
  address from_ = msg.sender;  
  ERC20Interface = ERC20(contract_);  
  uint256 transactionId = transactions.push(  
  contract_:  contract_,  
            to_: to_,  
            amount_: amount_,  
            failed_: true  
  transactionIndexesToSender[from_].push(transactionId - 1);  
  if(amount_ > ERC20Interface.allowance(from_, address(this))) {  
  emit TransferFailed(from_, to_, amount_);  
  ERC20Interface.transferFrom(from_, to_, amount_);  
  transactions[transactionId - 1].failed_ = false;  
  emit TransferSuccessful(from_, to_, amount_);  
 * @dev allow contract to receive funds */
  function() public payable {}  
 * @dev withdraw funds from this contract * @param beneficiary address to receive ether */
  function withdraw(address beneficiary) public payable onlyOwner whenNotPaused {  