

  1. Lesson 1: CryptoZombies
    1. Chapter 2 Contracts
    2. Chapter 3: State Variables & Integers
    3. Chapter 4: Math Operations
    4. Chapter 5: Structs
    5. Chapter 6: Arrays
    6. Chapter 7: Function Declarations
    7. Chapter 8: Working With Structs and Arrays
    8. Chapter 9: Private / Public Functions
    9. Chapter 10: More on Functions
    10. Chapter 11: Keccak256 and Typecasting
    11. Chapter 12: Putting It Together
    12. Chapter 13: Events
    13. Chapter 14: Web3.js
  2. Lesson 2: Zombies Attack Their Victims
    1. Chapter 2: Mappings and Addresses
    2. Chapter 3: Msg.sender
    3. Chapter 4: Require
    4. Chapter 5: Inheritance
    5. Chapter 6: Import
    6. Chapter 7: Storage vs Memory
    7. Chapter 8: Zombie DNA
    8. Chapter 9: More on Function Visibility
    9. Chapter 10: What Do Zombies Eat?
    10. Chapter 11: Using an Interface
    11. Chapter 12: Handling Multiple Return Values
    12. Chapter 13: Bonus: Kitty Genes
    13. Chapter 14: Wrapping It Up
  3. Lesson 3: Advanced Solidity Concepts
    1. Chapter 2: Ownable Contracts
    2. Chapter 3: onlyOwner Function Modifier
    3. Chapter 4: Gas
    4. Chapter 5: Time Units
    5. Chapter 6: Zombie Cooldowns
    6. Chapter 7: Public Functions & Security
    7. Chapter 8: More on Function Modifiers
    8. Chapter 9: Zombie Modifiers
    9. Chapter 10: Saving Gas With 'View' Functions
    10. Chapter 11: Storage is Expensive
    11. Chapter 12: For Loops
    12. Chapter 13: Wrapping It Up
  4. Lesson 4: Zombie Battle System
    1. Chapter 1: Payable
    2. Chapter 2: Withdraws
    3. Chapter 3: Zombie Battles
    4. Chapter 4: Random Numbers
    5. Chapter 5: Zombie Fightin'
    6. Chapter 6: Refactoring Common Logic
    7. Chapter 7: More Refactoring
    8. Chapter 8: Back to Attack!
    9. Chapter 9: Zombie Wins and Losses
    10. Chapter 10: Zombie Victory 😄
    11. Chapter 11: Zombie Loss 😞
  5. Lesson 5: ERC721 & Crypto-Collectibles
    1. Chapter 1: Tokens on Ethereum
    2. Chapter 2: ERC721 Standard, Multiple Inheritance
    3. Chapter 3: balanceOf & ownerOf
    4. Chapter 4: Refactoring
    5. Chapter 5: ERC721: Transfer Logic
    6. Chapter 6: ERC721: Transfer Cont'd
    7. Chapter 7: ERC721: Approve
    8. Chapter 8: ERC721: Approve
    9. Chapter 9: Preventing Overflows
    10. Chapter 10: SafeMath Part 2
    11. Chapter 11: SafeMath Part 3
    12. Chapter 12: SafeMath Part 4
    13. Chapter 13: Comments
    14. Chapter 14: Wrapping It Up
  6. App Front-ends & Web3.js
    1. Chapter 1: Intro to Web3.js
    2. Chapter 2: Web3 Providers
    3. Chapter 3: Talking to Contracts
    4. Chapter 4: Calling Contract Functions
    5. Chapter 5: Metamask & Accounts
    6. Chapter 6: Displaying our Zombie Army
    7. Chapter 7: Sending Transactions
    8. Chapter 8: Calling Payable Functions
    9. Chapter 9: Subscribing to Events
    10. Chapter 10: Wrapping It Up

Chapter 9: Zombie Modifiers

Chapter 9: Zombie Modifiers

Now let's use our aboveLevel modifier to create some functions.
Our game will have some incentives for people to level up their zombies:
• For zombies level 2 and higher, users will be able to change their name.
• For zombies level 20 and higher, users will be able to give them custom DNA.
We'll implement these functions below. Here's the example code from the previous lesson for reference:
// A mapping to store a user's age:
mapping (uint => uint) public age;

// Require that this user be older than a certain age:
modifier olderThan(uint _age, uint _userId) {
  require (age[_userId] >= _age);

// Must be older than 16 to drive a car (in the US, at least)
function driveCar(uint _userId) public olderThan(16, _userId) {
  // Some function logic

Put it to the test

1. Create a function called changeName. It will take 2 arguments: _zombieId (a uint), and _newName (a string), and make it external. It should have the aboveLevel modifier, and should pass in 2 for the _level parameter. (Don't forget to also pass the _zombieId).

2. In this function, first we need to verify that msg.sender is equal to zombieToOwner[_zombieId]. Use a require statement.

3. Then the function should set zombies[_zombieId].name equal to _newName.

4. Create another function named changeDna below changeName. Its definition and contents will be almost identical to changeName, except its second argument will be _newDna (a uint), and it should pass in 20 for the _level parameter on aboveLevel. And of course, it should set the zombie's dna to _newDna instead of setting the zombie's name.

pragma solidity ^0.4.25;

import "./zombiefeeding.sol";

contract ZombieHelper is ZombieFeeding {

  modifier aboveLevel(uint _level, uint _zombieId) {
    require(zombies[_zombieId].level >= _level);

  // Start here
  function changeName(uint _zombieId, string _newName) external aboveLevel(2, _zombieId) {
    require(msg.sender == zombieToOwner[_zombieId]);
    zombies[_zombieId].name = _newName;

  function changeDna(uint _zombieId, uint _newDna) external aboveLevel(20, _zombieId) {
    require(msg.sender == zombieToOwner[_zombieId]);
    zombies[_zombieId].dna = _newDna;

