

  1. Guessing Game
  2. Common Programming Concepts
    1. Variables and Mutability
    2. Data Types
    3. Function
    4. Control Flow
  3. Understanding Ownership
    1. References and Borrowing
    2. The Slice Type
  4. Using Structs
    1. An Example Program Using Structs
    2. Method Syntax
  5. Enums and Pattern Matching
    1. The match Control Flow Operator
    2. Concise Control Flow with if let
  6. Managing Growing Projects with Packages, Crates, and Modules
    1. Defining Modules to Control Scope and Privacy
    2. Paths for Referring to an Item in the Module Tree
    3. Bringing Paths into Scope with the use Keyword
    4. Separating Modules into Different Files
  7. Common Collections
    1. Storing UTF-8 Encoded Text with Strings
    2. Storing Keys with Associated Values in Hash Maps
  8. Error Handling
    1. Unrecoverable Errors with panic!
    2. Recoverable Errors with Result
  9. Generic Types, Traits, and Lifetimes
    1. Traits: Defining Shared Behavior
    2. Generics Rust by Example
      1. Functions
      2. Implementation
  10. Writing Automated Tests
  11. Object Oriented Programming
  12. Adding dependancies
  13. Option Take
  14. RefCell
  15. mem
  16. Data Structure
    1. Linked List
    2. Binary search tree
    3. N-ary Sum tree
  17. Recipe
    1. Semi colon
    2. Calling rust from python
    3. Default
    4. Crytocurrency With rust
    5. Function chaining
    6. Question Mark Operator
    7. Tests with println
    8. lib and bin
    9. Append vector to hash map
    10. Random Number
    11. uuid4
    12. uwrap and option
  18. Blockchain with Rust
  19. Near Protocol
    1. Startup code
    2. Couter
    3. Status
    4. Avrit
  20. Actix-web

Data Types

Probing Questions:
When you have to add type annotation?

Data Types

Keep in mind that Rust is a statically typed language, which means that it must know the types of all variables at compile time.

In cases when many types are possible, such as when we converted a String to a numeric type using parse we must add a type annotation

fn main() {
let guess: u32 = "42".parse().expect("Not a number!");

Scalar Types
A scalar type represents a single value. Rust has four primary scalar types: integers, floating-point numbers, Booleans, and characters.

Integer Types
This type declaration indicates that the value it’s associated with should be an unsigned integer (signed integer types start with i, instead of u) that takes up 32 bits of space


Each signed variant can store numbers from -(2n - 1) to 2n - 1 - 1 inclusive, where n is the number of bits that variant uses. So an i8 can store numbers from -(27) to 27 - 1, which equals -128 to 127. Unsigned variants can store numbers from 0 to 2n - 1, so a u8 can store numbers from 0 to 28 - 1, which equals 0 to 255.

So how do you know which type of integer to use? If you’re unsure, Rust’s defaults are generally good choices, and integer types default to i32: this type is generally the fastest, even on 64-bit systems.

• Check about Integer Overflow from book

Floating-Point Types
Rust also has two primitive types for floating-point numbers, which are numbers with decimal points. Rust’s floating-point types are f32 and f64, which are 32 bits and 64 bits in size, respectively. The default type is f64 because on modern CPUs it’s roughly the same speed as f32 but is capable of more precision.

fn main() {
    let x = 2.0// f64

    let y: f32 = 3.0// f32

Numeric Operations
fn main() {
    // addition
    let sum = 5 + 10;

    // subtraction
    let difference = 95.5 - 4.3;

    // multiplication
    let product = 4 * 30;

    // division
    let quotient = 56.7 / 32.2;

    // remainder
    let remainder = 43 % 5;

The Boolean Type
fn main() {
    let t = true;

    let f: bool = false// with explicit type annotation

The Character Type
(Note that char literals are specified with single quotes, as opposed to string literals, which use double quotes.)
fn main() {
    let c = 'z';
    let z = 'ℤ';
    let heart_eyed_cat = '😻';

Rust’s char type is four bytes in size and represents a Unicode Scalar Value

Compound Types

Compound types can group multiple values into one type. Rust has two primitive compound types: tuples and arrays.

The Tuple Type
We create a tuple by writing a comma-separated list of values inside parentheses. Each position in the tuple has a type, and the types of the different values in the tuple don’t have to be the same. We’ve added optional type annotations in this example:
fn main() {
    let tup: (i32f64u8) = (5006.41);

To get the individual values out of a tuple, we can use pattern matching to destructure a tuple value, like this
fn main() {
    let tup = (5006.41);

    let (x, y, z) = tup;

    println!("The value of y is: {}", y); // The value of y is: 6.4

In addition to destructuring through pattern matching, we can access a tuple element directly by using a period (.) followed by the index of the value we want to access. For example:

fn main() {
    let x: (i32f64u8) = (5006.41);

    let five_hundred = x.0;

    let six_point_four = x.1;

    let one = x.2;

The Array Type
Unlike a tuple, every element of an array must have the same type. Arrays in Rust are different from arrays in some other languages because arrays in Rust have a fixed length, like tuples

fn main() {
    let a = [12345];

An array isn’t as flexible as the vector type, though. A vector is a similar collection type provided by the standard library that is allowed to grow or shrink in size.

A month example:
It’s very unlikely that such a program will need to add or remove months, so you can use an array because you know it will always contain 12 elements:

let months = ["January""February""March""April""May""June""July",

You would write an array’s type by using square brackets, and within the brackets include the type of each element, a semicolon, and then the number of elements in the array, like so:
let a: [i325] = [12345];

Writing an array’s type this way looks similar to an alternative syntax for initializing an array: if you want to create an array that contains the same value for each element, you can specify the initial value, followed by a semicolon, and then the length of the array in square brackets, as shown here:

let a = [35];

The array named a will contain 5 elements that will all be set to the value 3 initially. This is the same as writing let a = [3, 3, 3, 3, 3]; but in a more concise way.

Accessing Array Elements

An array is a single chunk of memory allocated on the stack. You can access elements of an array using indexing, like this:

fn main() {
    let a = [12345];

    let first = a[0];
    let second = a[1];